Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A low cost but tasty meal

Forget the rice, forget the cabbage Tony's new theme is CHEAP but tasty. hmmm just how I like my meal...

This week Chickayo could not make it as she had to take Kai to the airport. Our honored guests of the evening were Juan and Marcie.

We started off with the ritual shot made by yours truly of vodka, dry vermouth, apple schnapps, olive juice and a splash of lime juice.

We started off with a watermelon salad with mandarin orange and faux chicherones(sp?) in a mustard vinaigrette dressing. While salad was extremely good the general consensus was that the salad could be improved with a more crunchy texture like toasted almonds or walnut. or bacon. Bacon sure makes everything tastes good =)

The next dish was chicken cutlet with rice and curry. Boneless thigh meat dipped in whole wheat flour, eggs and covered in panko bread crumb then fried with olive oil. Can we say healthy?! The curry was made with curry mix, sauteed carrots and onions in chicken broth with corn. This was by far my favorite entree of Monday Night Supper club.. The chicken was extremely tasty, crunchy, yet light and not at all oily. The curry was also very good although a bit mild but it worked to not overpower the chicken.

Dessert was blueberry angel cake with whipped cream. Real light with right amount of tart from the blueberry. Perfect ending to a perfect meal.

This meal cost $20 but the good times with friends are priceless. Cheers to Juan and Marcie for making it to this week Monday Night Supper Club and our special and unexpected guest Tu. We look forward for Kristal to come back next week with more exciting ingredients and fr0m our kitchen to yours... cheers to inexpensive but tasty dining.

- Monday Night Supper Club

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